Our Team of Co-Founders

Gail Russell

Gail Russell

A skilled community organizer and community builder connecting Indigenous American individuals with essential services and resources.

"We strive to empower and uplift indigenous individuals and families, promoting cultural preservation, education, and social welfare. Our services include spiritual guidance, social services, educational assistance, and cultural events to promote unity and growth within indigenous communities. Our goal is to create positive change and advocate for the rights and well-being of Indigenous Americans."

Leedon Smith

Leedon Smith

A compassionate counselor offering mental health support tailored to the needs of Indigenous American individuals.

"Indigenous American, Inc. ministries offer a variety of services, such as cultural preservation, community outreach, and spiritual guidance, to help improve the lives of Indigenous communities. Our service assists these ministries in their efforts to positively impact and empower Indigenous Americans through charitable work and community-building initiatives."

Daron Snell

Daron Snell

"Focus on addressing the unique challenges and needs of Indigenous people, such as preserving cultural heritage, promoting education and health, and advocating for social justice and equality. Our ultimate goal is to improve the overall well-being and resilience of Indigenous communities and promote sustainable development."